Annual Government Affairs Briefing

Every year, NADCA provides a unique opportunity for some of its members to travel to Washington for meetings with their U.S. Senators and Representatives. This is a chance for manufacturers to tell their government officials directly how their policies affect millions of businesses and their employees.

NADCA encourages its members to attend this summit and discuss the top issues of the day including:

  • Requirement to Capitalize as an Asset and Amortize R&D Expenses
  • Trade, Tariff, and Supply Chain Resiliency Policies
  • Availability of Globally Priced and Available Raw Materials
  • Job Training and Recruitment Incentives and Support
  • OSHA Workplace Rules (Indoor Heat Regulation)
  • New/Pending EPA regulations

June 20-21, 2023

Washington, D.C.

Online Registration  Hotel Reservations  Conference Agenda

Registration: $250

Hotel Information:

Phoenix Park Hotel
520 North Capitol St NW
Washington, DC 20001
Rate: $199+
Phone: 202.638.6900
Housing Cutoff Date: May 22, 2023

Travel Stipend Information:

NADCA will provide a travel stipend of $500 per person that attends. This is limited to one person per company and five people per each state. To qualify, you must attend the Capitol Hill meetings that are set up for you and book your stay on the evening of 6/20/23 at the Phoenix Park Hotel. Note: Do not book a return flight on 6/21/23 earlier than 6:00 pm.